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Maturity and mastery as an engineer and employee

There are three topics that I'd like to discuss: Maturity as an engineer Mastery as an engineer Mastery as an employee 1. Maturity as an engineer First, maturity as an engineer. Imagine that it's 100 years in the future. The world has changed dramatically and humans have evolved into a super race of software engineers. Everybody programs. Small children write programs to clean up the dishes. At the helm of this super race is a massively talented distinguished engineer who is accountable for the software that ensures the survival of all human kind. BUT! There might be a problem. This engineer is about to retire. What will humanity do without this person? Who will answer crucial questions about why certain decisions were made? Or why the code looks a certain way? Or the subtleties of different product features? Who will be able to ensure new products ship without this engineer driving the system? The answer is easy: any capable engineer.  It sounds like madness, but it’s not. Tak...

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